You Can Write Sports Content For Us If:

You are a sports athlete, journalist, community member of a club or you love writing online (expert opinions only); we welcome you to contribute your content ideas. Your work could be seen by millions of people in the sports industry. We need articles, or as well as to reach a large and engaged audience of sports lovers.

You can write about sports topics that you are interested in, as long as it is relevant, original, and informative content. Please limit your submissions to the required word count and address directly the main ideas. Please review your content yourself with the team before submitting it. Please note that we reserve the right to edit to ensure the clarity and length mentioned in the policies.

Email ([email protected]) your submissions to our Editorial Team with “Submission” as the subject. Please include a short description (one or two sentences). Our team will reply to every respected emailer in 1 to 3 working days. Please assume that if you do not hear back within two weeks we are unable to publish your article. 

Guidelines for Write For Us Sports: YOU Can Write And Make:

Sports Write For Us On Viprow
  • We only accept unique and original sports-related articles.
  • Usually, word range is between 500 to 2000 words. 
  • Articles should not be published previously on any other blogs or on online publications platform. 
  • All queries sent to us should be for original, and unique content.
  • Before sending you may confirm that the topic is not covered on our site blog. 
  • We have full permission to reprint any article we publish (social media platforms). We assume that if your work is protected by copyright, you have given us the permission to publish, by sending us your content at our email.
  • Posts appear on our Website Blog Section (, and featured at Homepage as well. The article may be accepted, edited, or rejected, as per our editorial understanding.
  • Avoid Completely AI-Generated or Plagiarised Content.
  • Promotional content that is just promoting a business is not accepted.

Note: Please include your name, contact details and your short bio , do not send your entire manuscript. Please wait 1-3 days for response.

Please send us your queries if you are an experienced sports writer or a member of a sports club. In the subject line, you may write “Sports Club Member Inquiry”. For athletes, please write “Athlete Inquiry” in the subject line.

Send us your content via email at: [email protected]

Please submit your article in Google Docs or Word Document format with relevant images. 

Some Relevant Posts For Your Reference:

Sports Content Writing