
4 Tips To Help Improve Passing Accuracy and To Score More Points in Volleyball

4 Tips To Help Improve Passing Accuracy

In the fast-paced and exhilarating world of volleyball, every point counts. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting, mastering the art of accurate passing and scoring can make all the difference in your game. Passing is the foundation upon which successful rallies are built while scoring points is the ultimate goal. 

Tip 1: Develop Proper Passing Technique

Mastering the fundamentals of passing is the first step towards achieving consistent accuracy and setting up scoring opportunities for your team.

Forearm Pass

The forearm pass, also known as the “bump,” is a crucial skill in volleyball. By perfecting this technique, you’ll be able to control the ball’s trajectory and set up your team for successful attacks.

Proper Form and Footwork

  1. Assume a balanced, athletic stance with your knees bent and your weight distributed evenly on the balls of your feet.
  2. Keep your arms extended, forming a flat platform with your forearms.
  3. As the ball approaches, move your feet to get in the proper position, ensuring that your platform is square to the ball’s path.
  4. Absorb the ball’s momentum by flexing your arms and transferring the energy from your legs through your torso.
  5. Follow through with your arms, guiding the ball in the desired direction.

Overhead Pass

While the forearm pass is the foundation, the overhead pass, or “setting,” is equally essential for creating scoring opportunities.

Executing the Perfect Set

  1. Position yourself under the ball with your hands above your forehead, fingers spread, and thumbs parallel.
  2. Extend your arms and use your legs to transfer the ball’s momentum, creating a smooth, controllable trajectory.
  3. Focus on accuracy and consistency, aiming to deliver the ball to your hitters in an optimal position for attacking.


Imagine a scenario where your team’s setter delivers a perfectly placed overhead pass to your team’s power hitter. With the ball arriving at the ideal height and location, your hitter unleashes a thunderous spike, leaving the opposing team scrambling to defend. This is the power of precise passing and setting, creating scoring opportunities that can turn the tide of a match.

Tip 2: Enhance Your Court Awareness and Communication

Effective communication and court awareness are essential components of successful passing and scoring in volleyball.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Clear communication between teammates can prevent confusion and ensure that everyone is on the same page during rallies.

Calling for the Ball

  1. Use clear and concise calls, such as “mine” or “yours,” to claim responsibility for a pass or set.
  2. Employ non-verbal cues, like hand signals or eye contact, to reinforce your intentions and coordinate movements.

Developing Court Awareness

Being aware of your surroundings and anticipating the ball’s trajectory can significantly improve your passing accuracy and overall game awareness.

Scanning the Court

  1. Constantly scan the court, tracking the ball’s movement and your teammates’ positions.
  2. Anticipate where the ball might go and position yourself accordingly, giving yourself the best chance to make a successful pass.


During an intense rally, you notice your teammate struggling to receive a powerful spike. By quickly scanning the court and anticipating the ball’s path, you’re able to move into position and make a crucial dig, keeping the rally alive and setting up a scoring opportunity for your team. This level of court awareness and communication can be the difference between winning and losing.

Tip 3: Incorporate Targeted Training Drills

Improving passing accuracy and scoring prowess requires dedicated practice and the incorporation of targeted training drills into your routine.

Passing Drills

Repetition and focused practice are crucial to developing consistent passing skills.

Partner Passing Drills

  1. Set up with a partner and practice passing the ball back and forth, focusing on accuracy and control.
  2. Vary the speed and trajectory of the passes to simulate game-like situations.
  3. Incorporate movement and different passing techniques, such as forearm and overhead passes.

Wall Passing Drills

  1. Stand a few feet away from a wall and pass the ball against it, focusing on control and consistency.
  2. Experiment with different angles and heights to challenge yourself and improve your range of passing abilities.

Scoring Drills

Honing your attacking skills is equally essential for maximizing your scoring potential.

Hitting Lines

  1. Set up a series of cones or markers to represent different hitting zones on the court.
  2. Have a teammate or coach toss the ball to you, and practice hitting it precisely within the designated zones.
  3. Incorporate different types of hits, such as line drives, off-speed shots, and cross-court attacks.

Game Situation Simulations

  1. Create game-like scenarios with your teammates, simulating different scoring situations.
  2. Practice executing various scoring strategies, such as the quick attack, back-row attack, or dump shot.
  3. Incorporate defensive and passing drills to simulate entire rallies and improve overall game awareness.


During a training session, your coach sets up a hitting line drill, challenging you to place your shots within specific zones on the court accurately. Through repetition and focused practice, you gradually improve your precision and develop a broader range of scoring options. This targeted training not only enhances your technical skills but also builds your confidence in high-pressure situations.

Tip 4: Cultivate a Positive Mindset and Mental Toughness

While physical skills are paramount, cultivating a positive mindset and mental toughness is equally crucial for achieving consistent passing accuracy and scoring success.

Visualization and Mental Rehearsal

Visualization and mental rehearsal can be powerful tools for improving performance and building confidence.

Techniques for Effective Visualization

  1. Visualize yourself executing perfect passes, setting up scoring opportunities, and delivering powerful attacks.
  2. Engage all of your senses, imagining the sounds, sights, and even the feel of a successful play.

Building Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is the ability to perform consistently under pressure and bounce back from setbacks or mistakes.

Strategies for Developing Mental Toughness

  1. Practice mindfulness and deep breathing exercises to stay calm and focused during intense moments.
  2. Celebrate small victories and learn from mistakes, using them as opportunities for growth and improvement.
  3. Challenges and view them as opportunities to test your skills and mental fortitude.


In a crucial match, your team finds itself trailing by a few points in the final set. Instead of succumbing to pressure, you take a deep breath and visualize yourself making a series of accurate passes, setting up your team’s offense for a comeback. Your mental toughness and positive mindset help you stay focused and resilient, ultimately leading your team to a hard-fought victory.

Final Thoughts

Improving passing accuracy and scoring prowess in volleyball is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and a holistic approach. By mastering proper technique, enhancing court awareness and communication, incorporating targeted training drills, and cultivating a positive mindset and mental toughness, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the court.

Remember, every successful pass and every scored point is a testament to your hard work and commitment. The challenges, celebrate the victories and never stop striving for excellence. With these four tips as your guide, you’ll be able to elevate your game to new heights and inspire your teammates with your passion and skill.

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